Chapter 9
Controlled gates and classical oracles

In Chapter 7 we looked at universal quantum circuits built from low-level gates: CNOTs, phase gates, and Hadamards. These are the types of gates you might be able to implement on the hardware level of a quantum computer. However, many useful quantum algorithms will contain higher-level primitives: classical oracles, controlled unitaries, adders, etc. In this chapter we will see how we can translate these higher-level constructions into the lower-level ones, and how we can reason with the higher-level constructions directly. To do this we will introduce a new derived generator for ZX-diagrams: the H-box. This is a spider-like contraption that allows us to easily represent AND-like gates, just like how the X-spider allows us to represent XOR-like gates.

9.1 Controlled unitaries

Let’s take a look first at controlled unitaries. First, what is a controlled unitary? Given some n-qubit unitary U, the k-controlled U is an (n + k)-qubit unitary that applies U to the bottom n qubits if and only if the top k qubits are all in the |1 state. In terms of quantum circuit notation we write the following:


We refer to the top k qubits here as the ‘control wires’, with the bottom n qubits being the ‘target wires’. We use quantum circuit notation here, instead of ZX-diagrams, because there is no easy way to represent controlled unitaries in ZX. We’ll see later in this chapter how to remedy this.

Example 9.1.1. We have already encountered a couple of simple examples of controlled unitaries: the CNOT and CZ gates. In the CNOT gate we have added one control to the single-qubit X gate, while for the CZ gate we have added one control to the single-qubit Z gate.

When dealing with controlled unitaries, we will often talk about the unitary ‘firing’ or ‘not firing’. By this we mean whether the qubits on the control wires are in the state that makes U get applied on the target wires, or whether the identity happens instead. For instance, in the CNOT gate, the NOT gate fires when the top qubit is in the |1 state. When analysing the logic of a circuit containing controlled gates, we can often reduce the analysis to a case distinction where we consider the situation where the gate fires, and where it does not fire (see the next proposition for an example of this). As an example of this kind of logic, let’s prove the following proposition.

Proposition 9.1.2. Let U and V be n-qubit unitaries. Then conjugating the controlled U gate by V is the same thing as controlling the V UV gate:

Proof. Note that the controlled unitary on the left-hand side fires iff that on the right-hand side fires. Let’s check the two cases of firing and not firing to see that they agree on both cases. If the gate does not fire, then the right-hand side is the identity. On the left-hand side, if U doesn’t fire, then the V and V cancel so that it also gives the identity. If instead the gates do fire then both sides implement the V UV gate on the bottom qubits. □

Example 9.1.3. We have seen that we can construct the CZ gate by conjugating the bottom qubit of a CNOT by Hadamards. This works because HXH = HXH = Z so that the previous proposition applies.

9.1.1 The Toffoli gate

A controlled unitary of particular importance is the Toffoli gate. This is the controlled CNOT gate, or equivalently, the two-qubit-controlled X gate.

Definition 9.1.4. The Toffoli gate is the three-qubit unitary defined by |x,y,z|x,y,(x y) z. That is, it XORs the value of the third qubit with the AND of the first two qubits. In quantum circuit notation we write the Toffoli gate as:

The Toffoli gate is important for a number of reasons. First, it is universal for classical reversible logic. Let’s unpack that statement a bit. What do we mean by classical reversible logic? A classical function is any map f : 𝔽2n 𝔽2n. Such a map only corresponds to a unitary via Uf|x = |f(x) iff f is a bijection, and hence has an inverse. When a classical function has an inverse, we say it is reversible. As it turns out, any classical reversible function can be decomposed into a sequence of generalised Toffoli gates. These are the n-qubit generalisations of the Toffoli gate that control a NOT gate on n 1 wires (hence, the NOT and CNOT gates also count as such generalised Toffoli gates). As we will see later, if we allow for clean ancillae initialised in the 0 state that also have to be brought back to the 0 state at the end of the circuit, then we can implement any reversible function using just (the three-bit) Toffoli and the NOT gate. It is in this sense that the Toffoli gate is universal for classical reversible logic. Second, the Toffoli gate is essentially the ‘quantum AND gate’: if we input a |0 on the input of the target, and post-select the controls to |+⟩ we can easily verify that:

Since we also have a NOT gate, we can combine these two gates to perform arbitrary classical logic in a quantum circuit (although because the above construction uses post-selection, we will have to be a bit smarter about this). Third, which is related to the previous point, we can use Toffoli gates to add control wires to other unitaries:

If it is not clear why this works, don’t worry, we will analyse constructions like this in more detail in Section 9.4.2. The point we want to make here is that Toffoli gates are very useful, and that it is worthwhile understanding how to construct them.

9.1.2 Diagonal controlled gates and phase polynomials

Before we will look at how to construct Toffoli gates, it will first be helpful to take a bit of a detour. As the Toffoli is just an X gate with two controls, we can conjugate its target qubit by Hadamards to reduce this to a Z gate with two controls; see Proposition 9.1.2. The resulting CCZ gate is a diagonal unitary, which makes it easier to think about in some ways. In this section we will see how we can construct the CCZ gate, and related unitaries, using phase gadgets. But first, let’s start by looking at a simpler gate: the CZ. This gate applies a Z gate—i.e. Z|y = (1)y|y—to the second qubit, if the first qubit is in the |1 state, and applies the identity otherwise. It turns out we can efficiently write down this operation as CZ|x,y = (1)xy|x,y (convince yourself of this by plugging in different values of x,y {0,1}). Interestingly, (1)xy is not the only way in which we can represent the phase function of CZ. We’ve seen two ways to write down a CZ gate as a ZX-diagram:


We recognise the right-hand side as a circuit consisting of two phase gates and one two-qubit phase gadget. We can hence represent the action of this circuit as |x,yeiπ 2 (x+yxy)|x,y. As we already saw in Section 7.1.3, the reason these two diagrams, corresponding to the expressions (1)xy and eiπ 2 (x+yxy) are equal is because we have:

x y = 1 2(x + y x y)x,y {0,1}.

This formula allows us to construct other diagonal controlled gates. For instance, if we want to construct the controlled Z(α) gate, we first realise that this gate has a phase function of e(xy), which we can transform using Eq. (9.3) to eiα 2 (x+yxy). Then we can simply write this as a phase polynomial circuit:


But what if we want to construct multiply-controlled gates? For the CCZ gate, the controlled CZ gate, the phase function is e(xyz), so we need some way to decompose x y z into a phase polynomial. We can do this by generalising Eq. (9.3) to more bits:


So the phase polynomial of the CCZ gate is eiπ 4 (x+y+zxyxzyz+xyz). We can hence represent it using the following ZX-diagram:


We can generalise Eq. (9.5) to work for any number of k bits. This will result in an expression with 2k 1 XOR terms and a constant of 12k1. Hence, the phase polynomial of an n-controlled Z(α) gate consists of 2n1 1 phase gadgets with a phase of ± α2n1. On the one hand this is great, as it means we can represent arbitrary controlled phase gates using a phase polynomial circuit. On the other hand, we need exponentially many exponentially small phase gates if the number of controls is high. Luckily there are ways around this exponential cost, as we will explore in this chapter. For now though, let’s see how we can use these multiply-controlled phase gates to construct arbitrary diagonal unitaries. Note that the matrix of an (n 1)-controlled Z(α) gate is diag(1,,1,e). This matrix is diagonal, and it only applies an e phase if the input is in the |11 state, and applies a trivial phase of 1 otherwise. So the matrix consists of all 1’s on the diagonal except for an e in the bottom corner. The reason it appears in the bottom corner is because we are controlling the phase on the all-1 state. By conjugating some of the qubits with a NOT gate we can instead make it controlled on some other specific bit-string. This moves the position of the e on the diagonal. For instance, for a CZ(α) gate, the matrix is diag(1,1,1,e). If we conjugate the second qubit by NOT gates, the e fires on the |10 state instead, and the matrix looks like diag(1,1,e,1). Another way of saying this, is that an n-controlled Z(α) gate on an n + 1 qubit circuit which is conjugated by NOT gates implements a ‘Dirac delta’ diagonal unitary Uy|x = eδy(x)|x. Here δy(x) = 1 iff y = x and is 0 otherwise. But we can write an arbitrary phase function in terms of these delta functions! Let f : 𝔽2n be some phase function. The delta functions δy : 𝔽2n form a basis for the space of phase functions, and hence we can write f = y𝔽2nαyδy. Hence, to implement the diagonal unitary Uf that acts as Uf|x = eif(x)|x, we can multiply together unitaries implementing the delta phase functions αyδy. This means we can implement an arbitrary n-qubit diagonal unitary using 2n (n 1)-controlled phase gates.

Proposition 9.1.5. Any n-qubit diagonal unitary can be constructed using O(2n) (n 1)-controlled phase gates and NOT gates.

Each of the controlled-phase gates can be decomposed into O(2n) phase gadgets. The NOT gates conjugating some of the qubits of these controlled-phase gates can then be absorbed into the phase gadgets, so that any circuit of such NOT-conjugated controlled-phase gates can be reduced to a circuit of just phase gadgets. While we are decomposing each of the O(2n) controlled-phase gates into O(2n) phase gates, the phase gates acting on the same qubits combine, so that in the end the circuit only requires O(2n) of them (and not O(2n 2n)).

Proposition 9.1.6. Any n-qubit diagonal unitary can be constructed using O(2n) phase gadgets.

As the group of diagonal unitaries has O(2n) degrees of freedom, this construction is essentially optimal.

9.1.3 Fourier transforming diagonal unitaries

In the previous section we converted controlled phase gates to phase gadgets, but this translation goes both ways. In fact, the relationship between these two types of phase gates is closely related to the pseudo-Boolean Fourier transform. A pseudo-Boolean function is any function f : 𝔽2n , where 𝔽2 = {0,1} is the Booleans. We can decompose a pseudo-Boolean function into primitive terms in a number of ways. We already saw that we can write it in terms of delta functions, which we can treat as a set of ‘maximally controlled’ expressions. These delta functions could be translated into XOR terms, and hence that gives us a different decomposition:

f(x) = y𝔽2nλyy x.

Here the λy are real coefficients that determine f and is the dot product of bit strings, which for a fixed y represents an XOR of bits of x. For instance, if y = 101, then y x = x1 x3. Note that in Eq. (9.7) we are treating the Booleans 1 and 0 both as Booleans and as real numbers. This decomposition contains 2n independent parameters λy. As f has 2n possible inputs, we see that each pseudo-Boolean function can indeed uniquely be written in this way. The phase polynomials of Chapter 7 are examples of pseudo-Boolean functions written as XOR terms. Instead of using XOR as the primitive function to decompose it to, we can also use AND:

f(x) = y𝔽2nλ^y xy.

Here xy is the bit string x1y1x2y2xnyn where we set 00 = 1 and 10 = 1. Hence, if y = 101 then xy = x11x3, so that xy = x1 x3. Again, as there are 2n independent terms in this decomposition, any pseudo-Boolean function can be written in this way. The transformation of a pseudo-Boolean function written as sums of XOR terms to one written as sums of AND terms and back is what we call the Fourier transform of such a function. This Fourier transform essentially boils down to Eq. (9.5) and its n-bit generalisation. In particular, to transform back from XOR to AND, we use its ‘inverse’:

(x y) z = x z + y z 2(x y) z = x + z 2(x z) + y + z 2(y z) 2(x y) z + 4(x y z) = x + y + z 2(x y + x z + y z) + 4(x y z)

By using this translation we can hence also write an arbitrary diagonal unitary as a circuit of controlled-phase gates where now we do not need any NOT gates and we use controlled gates acting on different numbers of qubits.

9.2 H-boxes

The representation we found of the CCZ gate in Eq. (9.6) looks a bit messy. The reason for this is that we had to translate the phase function (1)xyz into a sum of XOR phase functions. This is because the Z- and X-spiders can directly represent these XOR phases, while they cannot directly represent these ‘multiplicative’ phases. We can solve this issue by introducing a new generator for ZX-diagrams: H-boxes. We define H-boxes as follows (why we call these things H-boxes will become clear soon enough):


The sum in this equation is over all i1,,im,j1,,jn {0,1} and a is an arbitrary complex number. Hence, an H-box represents a matrix with, up to a global factor of 2, all entries are equal to 1, except the bottom right element, which is equal to a. We have for instance


Hence, in particular, when a = 1, the 1-input 1-output H-box is just the Hadamard:


We can then view H-boxes as a generalisation of Hadamard gates to an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs (hence, the letter ‘H’). Just as spiders with a zero phase are depicted without a phase label, we will depict H-boxes with a label of 1 without any label:


We will call such H-boxes phase-free. Note that this convention means that the 1-input 1-output phase-free H-box is denoted exactly the same as the Hadamard gate in the ZX-calculus, which is fine since they represent the same matrix. The linear maps that H-boxes represent have all the symmetries that spiders have:


We can hence bend the wires of an H-box however we want. We will introduce some rewrite rules for H-boxes, but for now let’s check that they indeed help us accomplish our goal of having a nicer representation of a CCZ gate. First note that:


We can use this state to represent a CCZ gate:


Exercise 9.1. Verify Eq. (9.14) by plugging in computational basis states and checking that it gives the correct phase.

Exercise 9.2. The state of Eq. (9.13) turns out to be the CCZ magic state, meaning we can use it to construct a CCZ gate by doing some Clifford unitaries and measurements. Show that the following post-selected unitary that uses a CCZ magic state indeed implements a CCZ gate, by rewriting it to Eq. (9.14):

We will later introduce some rewrite rules for H-boxes that allow us to prove that this construction works regardless of the measurement outcome, by doing some Clifford corrections.

Now, we introduced H-boxes as a new ‘generator’ of ZX-diagrams. But we also know that ZX-diagrams were already universal. This means there must be some way to represent the H-boxes just using spiders. In fact, that is actually what the relations Eqs. (9.3), (9.5) and their generalisations allow us to do:


In general, for an arity n H-box this construction requires 2n 1 phase gadgets. If the parameter of the H-box is not a complex phase e we can still represent the H-box using spiders, but it is a bit more complicated: see Exercise 9.19.

9.2.1 AND gates

Using an H-box we can easily represent the CCZ gate. But of course the CCZ gate is related to the Toffoli by conjugating the target by a Hadamard, so with some rewriting we can get an interesting representation of the Toffoli:


The reason this is interesting is because it is showing directly the two components that make up the Toffoli: calculating the AND of the first two qubits, and then XORing it with the third qubit. Indeed, we can calculate:




We can then directly verify that Eq. (9.16) implements a Toffoli:


Remark 9.2.1. Since a 2-to-1 H-box followed by a Hadamard implements an ‘AND gate’, it is reasonable to wonder why we didn’t just define an ‘AND-box’ as a new element of ZX-diagrams. This would make it a nice counterpart to the X-spider that implements an XOR. However, one of the main symmetries present in the Z- and X-spiders does not hold for this hypothetical AND-box (which can be verified by calculating the associated matrices):


This symmetry, known as flexsymmetry, does hold for the H-box (see Eq. (9.12)). Hence, by splitting up the AND gate into an H-box and Hadamard, we still get the benefit of having a compact representation of the AND, while also only dealing with components that have all the symmetries we want, meaning we can still think of ZX-diagrams as undirected graphs.

9.2.2 Rules for the H-box

Of course we wouldn’t be introducing a new graphical part to the ZX-calculus, if it didn’t allow us to do some more rewriting! There are some H-box specific rewrite rules that we can use to reason about, for instance, controlled unitaries, and Toffoli gates. First, let us recall that arity-1 H-boxes labelled by a complex phase are just Z-spiders:


In particular, taking respectively α = 0 and α = π, we get:


Most of the other H-box rewrite rules we will use can be motivated by the relation between an H-box and the AND gate. To understand these it will be helpful to use multi-input AND gates:


A rule on H-boxes we have already seen is that two Hadamard gates cancel: diagram of had-had-cancel . Using our interpretation of multi-input AND gates (9.23) as H-boxes we can get a different view on this equation. Using Eq. (9.23) we see that two Hadamard gates in a row correspond to an AND gate with a single input, and this gate is of course the identity. Our first new rule expresses how a sequence of ANDs can be combined into a single multi-input AND:


This rule can be presented a bit more generally as an H-box fusion rule:


Note that whereas two spiders fuse together when they are connected by a leg, for an H-box, this connection needs to be a Hadamard edge. An important consequence of this rule is that H-boxes absorb |1 states:


Using this we can show for instance that inputting a |1 on one of the controls of a Toffoli reduces it to a CNOT:


We will see later in (9.31) that, in contrast, a |0 ‘explodes’ an H-box into Z-spiders. In Section 3.2.4 we saw how the interpretation of the Z- and X-spider as respectively COPY and XOR lead us to the strong complementarity rule that allowed us to push (phaseless) Z- and X-spiders through each other. This equation (3.55) involving COPY and XOR holds in exactly the same way when XOR is replaced by AND:


We can directly translate this into a rule involving Z-spiders and H-boxes:


By pushing the Hadamard through the Z-spider and cancelling some Hadamards we can also present this in a format that is often more convenient:


As in (3.69), the right-hand side of both of these equations is a fully connected bipartite graph. Note that as a special case of the second equation (taking n = 0) we get the following useful state-copy rule, which is a counterpart of (9.26):


Here in the last step we dropped the scalar subdiagram, as it only contributes a (usually irrelevant) non-zero scalar. Using this rule we can show that inputting a |0 on a control wire of a Toffoli reduces it to an identity:


Exercise 9.3. Using Eqs. (9.30) and (9.31) (and the standard ZX rules), prove that two CCZs in a row equal the identity:

Exercise 9.4. Prove that we can commute a NOT gate through an H-box, resulting in a CZ on the other side:

Hint: Unfuse the π phase onto its own spider, and then apply Eq. (9.30).

Exercise 9.5. In Exercise 9.2 we saw that with post-selection, a CCZ gate can be implemented by using a magic state and post-selection. However, this post-selection is not necessary, as the other measurement outcomes can be corrected by applying the right gates in the future. For instance, if we get the 1| outcome on the first measured qubit instead, we can correct this with a CZ gate on the second and third output qubits. Show this by proving that:

Bonus exercise: figure out what the correction operator is when both the first and second measured qubits get the 1| outcome.

Another consequence of Eq. (9.30) is that the identification of a 1-labelled H-box with a Z-spider of (9.22) can be generalised to higher arity as follows:


Let us now introduce the last pair of AND-inspired rewrite rules for H-boxes. These are based on the following identities:


The first is quite self-evident: if we copy a value and then AND those values together, it is the same thing as doing nothing to the value. The second requires a bit more explanation. It expresses a fact about the possible ways that AND can return |1. Indeed, as a linear map, we can write AND as |000| + |001| + |001| + |111|, and hence post-selecting the output of AND with 1| we calculate 1|AND = 11|. Writing the ANDs as H-boxes and simplifying the expressions a bit we get the following rewrite rules:


Note that using (9.22) we could also have written the second equation of (9.35) as:


The rules introduced so far are summarised in Figure 9.0.


diagram of ZH-rules

Figure 9.0: The basic rules for H-boxes.

We have now covered all the ‘AND inspired’ H-box rules. In fact, these rules, together with the phase-free ZX-calculus rules we have been using throughout the book (that is, those of Figure 4.0), are already complete for a useful fragment of quantum computing. Namely, if we restrict ourselves to phase-free H-boxes, and spiders that only have 0 or π phases, then we can represent precisely those linear maps that can be built by post-selected quantum circuits consisting of Toffoli and Hadamard gates. It turns out that Toffoli-Hadamard circuits are already enough to perform arbitrary quantum computations (see Section* 10.7.4 for more details on that), and hence this fragment of diagrams can represent many interesting maps. Proving that the rules of Figures 9.0 and 4.0 are complete for this fragment is quite difficult (see the References of this chapter for some notes), but let’s note that this completeness does say something interesting on how to reason about quantum computations: the ZX rules we have been using are complete for Clifford diagrams (Theorem 5.5.7), while the new rules for H-boxes of Figure 9.0 are all directly related to Boolean identities. Hence, somehow ‘classical logic’ plus ‘reasoning with Cliffords’ gives us the full power of quantum computing.

9.2.3 Constructing controlled unitaries using H-boxes

A useful feature of the ZH-calculus is that it allows us to quite easily see how to make a controlled-unitary out of a unitary given as a ZH-diagram. This is perhaps most easily demonstrated by the difference between a CZ and a CCZ gate in the ZH-calculus:


This suggests a general procedure for adding a control qubit: identify which H-box ‘activates’ the application of your gate, and add another wire to it which connects to a Z-spider on your control qubit. Sometimes, one has to work a bit to uncover the correct H-box. For instance, to see how a Z gate relates to a CZ, we unfuse its phase:


This procedure also works for making controlled-phase gates if the phase is something other than π:


For diagrams containing X-spiders we will usually have to convert these to Z-spiders using (cc) in order to see where we should add the control wire. For instance, to go from a CNOT to a CCNOT (Toffoli):


Note that we here added a control wire to the ‘middle’ H-box, but left the Hadamards on the qubit wire alone. This is a general rule for constructing a controlled diagram. For instance, it might be tempting to define a controlled-Hadamard as follows:


While this does indeed implement a Hadamard gate when the control qubit is in the |1 state, it does not reduce to the identity when the control qubit is |0:


To construct the actual controlled-Hadamard we need to find the ‘hidden’ H-boxes in the Hadamard gate. The way we do this is by using its decomposition into Euler angles:


We can now make each of these phase gates into controlled phase gate using (9.39). When transforming this Euler decomposition into its controlled version, the ignorable global phase eiπ 4 becomes a local phase that must be taken into account. This is in fact another instance of finding the hidden H-boxes of the diagram, as a scalar is just an H-box with zero wires. We hence get the following transformation:


Where in the last step we used the identity eiπ 2 = i. While this procedure works and gives the correct diagram for a controlled-Hadamard, it is not the most efficient implementation of a controlled-Hadamard. A better version is realised by making the observation that if we only control the middle phase-gate and the global phase of (9.43) that we get a diagram that implements a Hadamard when the control is |1, and implements an X gate otherwise:


Hence, to make this a controlled-Hadamard, we need to add an X gate on the target wire to cancel the already existing X gate, but doing this will result in the wrong unitary being implemented when the control is |1. To remedy this error we add another gate to the circuit: a CNOT (i.e. a controlled-X gate). We hence arrive at the final controlled-Hadamard circuit:


Note that we get the π 2 X-phase by combining the first π 2 phase of (9.45) with the added π phase coming from the X gate. The gate (9.46) is indeed what one would find for a controlled-Hadamard in a standard textbook (although if one starts with a different Euler decomposition of the Hadamard gate, one might get a CZ gate instead of a CX gate, along with some other permutations of the gates). We can further decompose the ‘controlled-i’ gate using what we have seen in Section 9.1.2.

Exercise 9.6. By decomposing and simplifying Eq. (9.46) even further, find an implementation of the controlled-Hadamard gate that requires just two T gates, and one CNOT gate.

Exercise 9.7. Construct an implementation of the controlled-Hadamard gate using just one controlled-phase gate, but starting with the Euler Decomposition diagram of had-euler4 , instead of with Eq. (9.43).

It is currently not clear how one would relate (9.46) and the more complicated (9.44) via an intuitive diagrammatic transformation (as the calculus is complete, there is a set of graphical rewrites that transforms one into the other, but this is likely to be a complicated affair). So how would one find (9.46)? The crucial observation is that only controlling a single phase in the diagram, instead of all three, already resulted in a gate close to the one we desired. The remainder of the construction was then to keep adding simple gates until we get the exact gate we wanted. Experience shows that this method of experimentation and trial-and-error is often successful. Let’s demonstrate this with one more often-encountered controlled unitary: the controlled swap (also sometimes called the Fredkin gate). Our starting point is the implementation of a swap using three CNOTs:


We could make this controlled by transforming each of the CNOTs into a Toffoli. However, just as with the controlled-Hadamard, we realise that if we ‘deactivate’ the middle CNOT, that the outer CNOTs cancel each other, and hence it suffices to add a control to the middle CNOT:

9.3 Reversible Logic synthesis

An important part of many quantum algorithms are classical oracles. These are classical functions that are performed on a quantum state (a state that is often in a superposition of many computational basis states). For instance, Shor’s algorithm consists of two components: a classical oracle performing modular exponentiation followed by a quantum Fourier transform. In terms of gate cost, the classical oracle is by far the most expensive part (the quantum Fourier transform can be implemented quite efficiently as we saw in Section 7.2.2). In Grover’s algorithm it is again the classical oracle that pinpoints which elements we are interested in that is the most expensive to implement. As classical oracles form such an important part of these algorithms (and many others), we better understand very well how to actually implement these on quantum computers. The first step is to realise that usually the function we want to implement is not reversible, so that we can’t implement it directly as a unitary. We can however make it reversible by adding some additional scratch space.

Definition 9.3.1. Let f : 𝔽2n 𝔽2m be some classical function. Its reversibilisation fr : 𝔽2n+m 𝔽2n+m is defined as fr(x,y) = (x,y f(x)). Here the XOR acts componentwise on the bit string.

It is clear that fr is always reversible, as it is its own inverse.

Definition 9.3.2. A classical oracle for f : 𝔽2n 𝔽2m is an (n + m)-qubit unitary Uf given by Uf|x,y = |fr(x,y) = |x,y f(x).

Example 9.3.3. The classical oracle for the NOT operation is the CNOT gate, and the classical oracle for the AND operation is the Toffoli gate.

So the question is: how do we efficiently construct reversible functions using simple gates? It turns out that this question has many different answers depending on what your requirements are. The field of reversible circuit synthesis is vast, and we will only be scratching the surface in this section. Let’s suppose we have some classical function f : {0,1}n {0,1}m that we want to implement. To simplify our life we will assume that we want the output of f to appear on some additional bits. That is, we have our register of bits x that are our inputs, and then we also have a supply of bits given to us in the 0 state. Some of these bits will be used to store intermediate computations, while others will be used as the final output. So, in total, we are looking for a unitary U that implements U|x,0,0 = |x,f(x),0. Here the first additional register of bits stores the output, while the other register was just used during the computation. Note that it is important that we reset these ‘helper bits’ to 0 when we are done with them: as long as we stick to classical computations their state doesn’t matter, but as soon as superpositions of states are involved, they will cause interferences that we don’t want. Let’s look at a small example to make this a bit more concrete. Suppose we want to calculate the three-bit function x1 x2 x3. We can split this up into two operations acting on fewer bits, by first calculating z1 := x1 x2, and then calculating z2 := z1 x3. This final bit z2 then carries our output. So this results in the following circuit:

Here we write x1x2 for x1 x2 as a shorthand. This indeed calculates the function we want, but we also have the outcome z1 = x1x2 still floating around. We get rid of this by ‘undoing’ the operations done to it. As a Toffoli is its own inverse, this is easy enough:


In general, let’s assume that f is given to us as a sequence of AND, OR and NOT operations since of course any Boolean function can be decomposed into these operations. For simplicity we will assume that m = 1, i.e. that f only has a single output we care about, although the constructions we will talk about can be easily generalised to multiple outputs. We can then interpret f as a DAG: a directed acyclic graph. In this graph, the input variables are the vertices at the start, and all the other vertices correspond to operations done to these variables or intermediate results. There is a directed edge from vertex v to w when the operation w uses the outcome v. For instance, suppose that f is the MAJ function on 3 bits that calculates whether at least two of the bits (i.e. the majority) are 1. One possible way we can decompose MAJ into more fundamental operations is MAJ(x1,x2,x3) = (x1 (x2 x3)) (x2 (x1 x3)). The DAG corresponding to this decomposition is:

When we have this DAG, translating it to an implementation on a circuit is straightforward. We allocate for each internal vertex a bit prepared in the 0 state, we apply the operations in an order compatible with the DAG (that is, we only apply an operation once we have done the operations associated to its parents first), and at the end once we have calculated what we wanted to calculate, we undo all the operations in the reverse order on all the extra bits we used. For the DAG above this could for instance result in the following circuit:


Note that the box with a can be implemented using a Toffoli and some NOT gates using de Morgan’s rule. We see that each operation is applied to a fresh 0 bit, before finally getting the calculation we want in the final bit. We then repeat all the operations we have done in reverse order to undo our temporary calculations. We don’t actually have to wait until the end to undo operations. We can do this as soon as an intermediate calculation is no longer needed. After this uncomputation this bit is then put back into the 0 state, so that we can reuse it for additional computations. This hence results in needing fewer additional bits. For instance:


Here we could uncompute one intermediate calculation early in order to save one bit in comparison to Eq. (9.49). The number of additional bits we need to calculate a function corresponding to a DAG hence doesn’t depend on the number of vertices in the DAG, but rather on the amount of computations we have to ‘keep in memory’. But suppose we want to reduce the number of additional bits as much as possible, could we do even better? In order to do so, we would need to free up memory that contains computations that we will need later. This means that we will have to recompute these when needed. Finding optimal trade-offs in uncomputing the right things and allocating the bits you have smartly is an interesting problem, but also a bit beyond what we can discuss in this book. See the References of this chapter for some more pointers. But there is another trick we can exploit to reduce the cost of implementation. This is based on the observation that calculating XORs is much cheaper than calculating ANDs, since calculating an AND requires a Toffoli, while calculating an XOR requires a CNOT. So instead of allocating a new bit for every operation, we can decide to only allocate a bit for every AND, and do all the XORs ‘in place’, uncomputing these immediately after we are done using the outcome. This means we will need to do more XOR operations, but will require less additional bits. For example, another way we could write the MAJ function is as

MAJ(x1,x2,x3) = x2 ((x1 x2) (x2 x3))

(to see why this works, do a case distinction on x2). We can then store x1 x2 in the x1 bit, store x2 x3 in the x2 bit, and apply a Toffoli to calculate their AND. Then undoing the XORs, we have the x2 value available to do the final XOR:


Well this circuit is certainly a lot smaller! It only requires one Toffoli gate and one additional bit. In fact, using this trick, the cost of implementing a classical function depends on its multiplicative complexity, the number of AND operations needed to write it down. But what if we really don’t want to use additional bits? What can we do in just the space of the inputs? As it turns out, quite a lot. It turns out that we can decompose any classical reversible function into just many-controlled Toffoli gates without using any ancillae. The details are a little technical, and the result actually not that practically useful, so we refer to Section* 9.7.1 for the details.

9.4 Constructing Toffoli gates with many controls

Toffoli gates with many controls form a core part of many algorithms, and as we saw in the previous section, they are also essential in constructing arbitrary classical reversible circuits. In this section we will study several ways in which we can decompose Toffoli gates with many controls into Toffoli gates with fewer controls. This is necessary to do, because most physical architectures do not have many-controlled Toffoli gates as native operations, and so they must be decomposed into more elementary building blocks. We could do this directly using the results from Sections 9.1.2 and 9.1.3, but these require an exponential number of gates in the number of controls, and so this is not efficient. In this section we will work through several ways to decompose a Toffoli with k controls into a circuit consisting of a polynomial number of regular Toffolis with 2 controls. These Toffolis can then further be decomposed into CNOTs and single-qubit unitaries. It turns out that to do this we need to have at least one ancilla available (the proof for this you can find in Section* 9.7.1). So let’s assume we have an additional bit available. For concreteness, suppose we wish to construct the Toffoli gate with 3 controls:

This actually calculates a function very similar to Eq. (9.48), but let’s think through it again how to construct this. First, suppose for simplicity that we knew the extra bit was supplied to us in the 0 state. Then we can use it to store an intermediate result, which we can then use in a later operation:


We indeed get the correct result on the target bit! Unfortunately, we have now polluted the state of our extra bit, so we wouldn’t be able to apply this trick again. We have ‘burned’ this resource. We can fix this issue by cleaning up after ourselves. Luckily, a Toffoli is self-inverse and we haven’t changed the state of the x and y bits, so this clean-up is easy:


But suppose we didn’t know that the bit was supplied to us in the 0 state (maybe because we aren’t sure the previous person cleaned up after themselves...), how do we implement the gate we want? In this case, a picture is worth more than a thousand words:


Here t = t zb z(b xy) = t zb zb zxy = t xyz is exactly what we want. The reason this works is because we apply the operation to the target t twice, so that the dependency on b disappears: the first Toffoli puts the information about b into t, the second Toffoli changes the information in b, and then the final Toffoli cancels the value of b in t, leaving only the information we wanted to put into it. This construction didn’t clean up after itself though, as it left the value in b changed, so lets add an additional Toffoli to get the construction we want:


So we have constructed a 3-controlled Toffoli using 4 regular Toffoli gates and one additional bit. This additional bit was provided to us in an unknown state, and was left at the end in that same unknown state, so on the right-hand side of Eq. (9.56) it looks like we haven’t even touched this bit. Its presence was however crucial to the success of this procedure as the argument of the previous section on the impossibility of realising many-controlled Toffolis from regular ones showed. We will call such a bit a borrowed bit. While the state of borrowed bits is not changed, their presence can serve as an important catalyst for certain constructions (as Eq. (9.56) shows). The constructions above are not reserved to just regular 2-controlled Toffoli gates. They in fact work for Toffoli gates with an arbitrary number of controls:


Exercise 9.8. Prove Eq. (9.57) using the rules for H-boxes of Section 9.2.2.

We can iterate this procedure. For instance, starting with a Toffoli with 5 controls, we use Eq. (9.57) to decompose it into four Toffoli gates with 3 controls each (pick n = 3 and m = 2). Then each of those we decompose into four standard Toffoli’s each:


We have marked the places were a bit has been borrowed with a dashed box on the right-hand side. Note that we constantly switch which bit is borrowed. That’s the beauty of this system: since the borrowed bit can be in any state and is returned to the same state, we can pick any bit to be the borrowed one. You might have noticed that the number of Toffolis required blows up quite a lot as the number of controls increases. In fact, if we have k controls (assuming k is odd for simplicity) then this splits into four gates with (k + 1)2 controls. So if we take k = 2n + 1, then after the first step we have Toffolis with 2n1 + 1 controls. So doing this n times we are left with 4n regular Toffolis. As 4n = (2n)2 (2n + 1)2 = k2, we see that in general we require O(k2) Toffolis. It turns out we can do better than an O(k2) scaling in the number of controls. To do this we need the observation that after the first split in Eq. (9.57) we have many more borrowed bits available. So let’s try to use them! To see how this works we will again first look at a construction where the additional bits are supplied in the 0 state and we don’t care in which state we leave them. It turns out that to apply this trick to decompose a Toffoli with k controls, we need k 2 additional bits. Let’s look at the simplest example: k = 4.


We have interspersed the 0 bits throughout the circuit, to make it look a bit nicer. We see that we can simply build a larger and larger product of bits by storing the intermediate results in these additional bits we have lying around. If we wanted to return the bits to their zero state, we can just add another staircase of Toffoli gates to undo the action done to them:


But what if we didn’t know that the bits were 0. Then we can apply a similar trick to what we did in Eq. (9.55): we reverse the direction of the staircase (compare Eq. (9.55) with Eq. (9.54) where the order of the Toffoli gates was also reversed):


Note that the last two Toffoli gates cancel out respectively the az and bw term. Finally, if we want to make these bits borrowed, then we need to undo the Toffoli gates that affect them, which means we need to add another staircase:


If instead of 4 controls and 2 borrowed bits we had k 4 controls and k 2 bits, then we could simply make the staircases longer. The first staircase ’going up’ has k 1 gates, then the one going down has k 2 gates, the second going up also has k 2 gates, and the final going down has k 3 gates, for a total of 4k 8 Toffoli gates. If we had this many borrowed bits lying around we can hence decompose a k-controlled Toffoli in O(k) regular Toffoli gates! So let’s get back to the case where we start out with a single borrowed bit. Then we can apply the trick of Eq. (9.57) once to decompose our k-controlled Toffoli into smaller Toffoli gates. If k is odd, we split it into four k+1 2 -controlled Toffoli gates. We then have k+1 2 borrowed bits available for each of these Toffoli gates. If instead k is even, then we split into two Toffoli gates with k 2 controls and two with k 2 + 1 controls. In this case we will have at least k 2 borrowed bits available. In both cases this is enough space to apply the construction of Eq. (9.62). Each of those Toffoli gates can then be decomposed into 4 (k2) = 2k gates. As we have four of them, the final cost is then 8k Toffoli gates.

Proposition 9.4.1. A single k-controlled Toffoli can be decomposed into a circuit of fewer than 8k regular Toffoli gates as long as we have a single borrowed bit available.

While it might be possible to improve the constants, this is asymptotically optimal, as we certainly need to at least touch every qubit involved with a Toffoli, and this requires O(k) gates.

Exercise 9.9. In Eq. (9.60) each of the Toffoli gates used a qubit that the previous gate also used so that its circuit depth is also linear in the number of controls of the Toffoli we are constructing. But it is possible to do it more efficiently. Show that we can implement the k-controlled Toffoli in logarithmic depth using O(k) regular Toffoli gates if we are supplied k 2 bits in the 0 state, and make sure the ancilla bits are returned to the 0 state at the end. You may restrict to k = 2m for simplicity.

9.4.1 Quantum tricks for optimising Toffoli gates

So far we have only studied classical functions using classical means. But this is of course a book about quantum computing, so let’s see what we can do once we’re allowed to use quantum gates and techniques to construct these classical functions. In this section we will find better ways to decompose certain combinations of Toffoli gates, so that we can implement these more cheaply as quantum circuits. First, recall that we could decompose the Toffoli gate into a combination of seven T gates and phase gadgets:


We have here grouped the gates in a suggestive way, with all the gates on the control qubits together. We can then recognise this as the shape of a CZ(π 2 ) = CS gate; see Eq. (9.4). Hence, while a Toffoli gate requires 7 T gates, if we can somehow combine this with a CS = CZ(π 4 ) gate, then 3 of those T gates cancel and we only require four of them:


As we will see in Chapter 11, T gates are actually quite expensive to implement in the fault-tolerant setting, and so finding ways to reduce the T-count is an important thing to try to do (and we will find more advanced ways to do so in Chapter 10. But even without this consideration, getting rid of this additional phase gadget needed for the CS gate means fewer entangling gates are needed. Now, usually we don’t have spare CS gates lying around to cancel T gates with, but we can introduce them in pairs at the cost of a Clifford: I = CS CZ CS. This means that whenever we have a pair of Toffoli gates that have the same two control wires and nothing acting in between them on those wires, that we can use this trick to reduce the T-count. In the previous section we saw many examples of such a pair of Toffoli gates. For instance, we can use it to reduce the cost of Eq. (9.54):


Now instead of the construction costing 3 7 = 21 T gates, it costs 2 4 + 7 = 15 T gates! Additionally, since we have to synthesise fewer phase gadgets, the construction will also require less two-qubit gates. Note that this trick is not reserved to just the Toffoli gates that share two controls. Sharing a control and a target also works. For instance, starting with Eq. (9.55):


Now we have a pair of Toffoli’s sharing two controls and we can apply the trick as before. But what if we don’t have a pair of Toffoli gates with matching controls or targets, what can we do then? Is there any way we can reduce the number of T gates we need? Well, there is some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that all possible three-qubit Clifford+T circuits with up to six T gates have been enumerated by brute force methods, and none of those circuits were equal to a Toffoli. So there is no circuit with fewer than seven T gates that implements a Toffoli. So what is the good news? Well, this enumeration only looked at unitary circuits. It doesn’t say anything about circuits involving ancillae and measurements. It turns out that if we do allow non-unitary constructions that we can do better. To see how we can do this, let’s take another look at Eq. (9.64), but now using H-boxes. To simplify the presentation a little, we will be working with a CCZ gate instead of a Toffoli, and a CS gate instead of a CS gate. So let’s see how we could rewrite this construction:


Okay, this first step was obvious: there are spiders of the same colour connected to each other, so we should fuse them. But now it is a little less obvious. However, note that we now have two H-boxes that share two Z-spiders. This looks a lot like the right-hand side of Eq. (9.30). In fact, by doing some clever unfusion, we can actually apply this rule:


Here in the last step we used the the fact that an H-box with a single wire and a complex phase is just a spider (Eq. (9.21)): diagram of H-a-state (and of course i = e2). Okay, this looks promising! A CCZ followed by a CS, which is cheaper than just a CCZ, corresponds to a CCZ with this X(π 2 ) on one of its legs. So how do we transform this into something that looks more like a circuit? The answer is that we have to view the X(π 2 )-phase as happening on its own ancilla qubit. We do this by introducing some identity spiders and unfusing:


This is now a post-selected circuit (we’ll get to how to deal with the ‘wrong’ measurement outcome later), where the only non-Clifford gate is the CCZ. So we have managed to get rid of the CS gate! But of course we want to go the other way: instead of removing a CS gate, we want to introduce one. We can however do this procedure in the opposite direction quite easily. The crucial step happened in Eq. (9.68) where we transformed the CS gate into an X-phase on the other side of the H-box. It turns out that it is often useful to apply this rewrite rule in the opposite direction, so let’s write it down explicitly:


So now, starting with a CCZ, let’s introduce some X-phases, so that we can push one of them through the H-box to make a CS gate appear:


Now we could decompose the combined CCZ and CS gate using just 4 T gates. So by introducing an ancilla, we can make a post-selected circuit that implements a CCZ gate using fewer T gates than is possible with any unitary circuit. It turns out we can get rid of the post-selection as well. If we get the wrong measurement outcome, then we can push the resulting NOT gate back through the CCZ using Eq. (9.70):


So the wrong measurement outcome leads to an additional CZ gate applied after the circuit. Since we know the measurement outcome, we can correct for this by applying the inverse of a CZ gate. This inverse is of course also a CZ gate. As this is Clifford, this does not increase the number of T gates we need. So we can indeed deterministically implement a CCZ gate using four T gates. It turns out we can do something similar, when we have a ‘compute-uncompute’ pair of Toffoli gates. That is, a pair of Toffoli gates that undo each others action, such that the target is not changed in the mean time. Let’s use Eq. (9.54) again as an example, but with the qubits rearranged to make the presentation a bit nicer:


We see that whereas we had three Toffoli gates in the start, we ended up with just two of them in the end, as the pair that computed and uncomputed the AND of two bits was ‘fused’ together. This unitary is again post-selected, but on the wrong outcome we can push out the π phase outwards to become a CZ and Z correction.

Exercise 9.10. Prove that the correction operator of Eq. (9.73) for the ⟨−| measurement outcome is indeed CZ Z.

So while Eq. (9.65) allowed us to reduce the cost of a matching pair of Toffoli gates from 14 to 8, with Eq. (9.73) we can reduce it even further to just 4! But even if we don’t care about decomposing into T gates, we see that this construction requires just a single Toffoli per compute-uncompute pair, as the uncomputation can instead be done by a measurement and a correction. Note that this form of an optimised compute-uncompute pair of Toffolis is often used in the context where they are targetting a zeroed ancilla which is ‘cleaned up’ at the end. In that case we can simplify the expression a bit more, and for concreteness we will add in the X(π 2 ) phases to make it clear that this construction indeed only requires 4 T gates:


Exercise 9.11. Prove a version of Eq. (9.74), but where there are is an additional pair of CNOTs involved in the computation-uncomputation:


What is the correction operation for the post-selected ancilla?

Exercise 9.12. Show that we can implement a CS gate using a single Toffoli and S gate, where we measure an ancilla and perform a CZ correction:

Does a construction like this also work for any other controlled-phase gates apart from CS?

Exercise 9.13. In this exercise we will show that we can construct the CCCZ gate (i.e. the 3-controlled Z gate) using 6 T gates.


Prove using the ZH-calculus that the following post-selected circuit implements a CCCZ gate:

Hint: Use Eq. (9.70) to bring the CS gates into the H-box, and then combine the π2 phases using an appropriate Euler decomposition of the Hadamard.


Find the correction operator for if the measurement got the wrong outcome instead.


Conclude that we can hence deterministically implement the CCCZ gate using 6 T gates. Hint: use Eq. (9.64).

Note: There is also a different way to see that this construction works. We can decompose the phase function (1)xyzw of the CCCZ as e(xy)(zw) = eiπ 2 (xyzwxyzw) and these three phase terms correspond to the two CS gates and the S gate on the ancilla (the two Toffoli gates precisely prepare the xy zw state on the ancilla).

9.4.2 Adding controls to other quantum gates

Using what we’ve learned about Toffoli gates, we can also start to construct other unitaries with many controls. The easiest construction for a many-controlled unitary U, which requires one clean ancilla, and the ability to construct a singly-controlled U, is the following:


We have drawn U here as a single-qubit unitary, but this of course works when U targets multiple qubits as well. This is nice and all, but it still means we need to know how to construct U with a single control. This might be problematic if we want to restrict our gates to be from a particular gate set. For instance, it is not possible to construct a controlled-T gate without ancillae and using only Clifford+T gates. Luckily, in this case, we can adapt Eq. (9.76) for the special case of U = Z(α):


The reason this works is because Z(α) acts as the identity when the input is |0, so that it only fires when the first Toffoli puts the ancilla into the |1 state. Another way to look at it, is that a Z(α) phase gate is like a ‘controlled global e phase’ gate, which applies a global phase of e iff its control wire (the qubit it acts on) is in the |1 state. Hence, Eq. (9.77) is just a special case of Eq. (9.76) where the control wire is the target wire.

Exercise 9.14. Prove Eq. (9.77) using the ZH-calculus.

If we want to implement a many-controlled X(α) gate, we can realise that X(α) = HZ(α)H, and that these conjugations by a unitary (like H) commute with controls:


So now we know how to implement Z and X rotations with an arbitrary number of controls. By taking the Euler decomposition of a unitary, we can hence implement arbitrary many-controlled single-qubit unitaries.

Proposition 9.4.2. Let U be an n-qubit unitary implemented by a circuit of m CNOT, Z(α) and X(α) phase gates. Then we can construct a circuit for a U with k controls using O(km) gates and one additional zeroed ancilla.

In Section* 9.7.2 we look at 2-level operators, which are a class of ‘maximally controlled’ unitaries that are a useful primitive when thinking about exact synthesis of unitaries.

9.5 Adders

Let’s put all we’ve learned to the test and build an efficient quantum circuit for a certain primitive that is an important component of many quantum algorithms: addition. Recall that we can interpret an n-bit number a as a n-qubit quantum state |a = |an1an2a0 where the |aj are just computational basis states and a = 2n1an1 + 2n2an2 + + 20a0. Our goal then now is to build a (2n + 1)-qubit quantum circuit we will call Add that acts as Add|a,b = |a,a + b. Note that here a + b is addition of natural numbers, and not componentwise addition of bit strings! This circuit requires 2n + 1 qubits because the sum of two n-bit numbers requires n + 1 bits to write down, and hence the register containing a + b consists of n + 1 qubits. We will build the circuit for Add by mimicking how you would add together numbers by hand: by starting at the least significant digit and proceeding upwards while keeping track of the carry. Let’s call the outcome of the addition s = a + b, for sum. Calculating the least significant bit s0 is very simple: it is just a0 b0. But now for the second bit s1 we care about the carry value of the first bit. This carry bit is c0 := a0 b0, since it is only non-zero if both a0 and b0 are 1. The value of s1 is then the sum of a1, b1 and the carry c0 modulo 2: s1 = a1 b1 c0. That still isn’t too bad, but now we need to calculate the carry of this second bit s1, and this is a bit more complicated, because now there are multiple ways in which the carry can be 1: we can either have both a1 and b1 be 1, or one of these values and the carry c0, or all three of these values. We can however capture this in a nice symmetric function that we have already seen: the MAJ function that calculates whether the majority of values (in this case 2 out of 3) are 1. Recall from Eq. (9.51) that we have MAJ(x1,x2,x3) = x2 ((x1 x2) (x2 x3)). Hence, setting x1 = a1, x2 = s0 and x3 = b1, we see that we can calculate the carry bit using the circuit:


Calculating all the other bits now follows similarly: we set s2 = a2 b2 c1 and c2 = MAJ(a2,b2,c1). Or in general, for the kth bit we have sk = ak bk ck1 where ck = MAJ(ak,bk,ck1). Putting this all together, we can then write down a circuit for the adder, for instance for n = 3 we have:


Here we have drawn a dashed box around the calculation of the MAJ function for the second and third carry bits. There are a couple of issues with this construction of the adder right now. First, it obviously contains some CNOT gates that can be cancelled against each other, and hence can be made a bit more efficient. But more importantly: we are not yet uncomputing the carry bits, which is important if we wish to use this Adder in superposition, so let’s do that:


Let’s cancel some matching CNOTs:


Here we have grouped together the different components that make up the computation: the calculation of first c0, c1, c2 and s2, followed by the uncomputation of c1, the computation of s1, the uncomputation of c0 and finally the computation of s0. This pattern extends to the addition of an arbitrary number of bits: first calculate all the carries, and then alternate calculating the sum of a bit and uncomputing the matching carry. We see then that the total cost consists of n zeroed ancillae and 2n 1 Toffoli gates: 1 each for the computation of a carry and 1 each for the uncomputation of all the carries except for the last one. Using the quantum tricks we have seen, we can however halve the cost of this addition circuit. In the circuit (9.82) we have connected together the matching compute and uncompute pairs by dashed lines. These compute-uncompute pair Toffolis can be replaced by just a single Toffoli using the constructions of Eq. (9.74) (in the case of c0 which is computing with just a Toffoli) and Exercise 9.11 (for c1, as this involves both a CNOT and a Toffoli). The final carry does not have to be uncomputed and hence uses a single Toffoli regardless. The total number of Toffoli gates is then just n instead of 2n 1, and furthermore, each Toffoli can be implemented using just 4 T gates instead of 7. Putting these optimisations together we see that we have reduced the original T count of 7 (2n 1) = 14n 7 to 4n.

Exercise 9.15. The construction of the adder described above is very efficient in the number of (Toffoli) gates, but it does require n ancillae, one for each of the carry bits. We can also construct an adder without using any ancillae, but using more gates.


Argue that the following circuit implements a ‘decrement by 1’ operation:


That is, given a computational basis input |b encoding a number b 2n, it produces b 1 modulo 2n.


Argue that the following circuit of cascading ‘controlled decrementers’ implements the subtract operation |a,b|a,b a:


Argue that the adjoint of the above circuit hence implements an adder.


What is the cost in the number of standard 2-controlled Toffoli gates of this construction? You can use any decomposition of the many-controlled Toffoli gates that we have seen in this chapter (that fits in the available number of qubits).

9.6 Summary: what to remember


There is a Boolean Fourier transform from an XOR of bits, to an AND of bits. This allows us to relate phase gadgets (which are based on XOR), to diagonal controlled-unitaries (which are based on AND).


The H-box is a spider-like linear map that allows us to more compactly represent controlled unitaries. There are a variety of rewrite rules involving H-boxes that correspond to useful identities involving Toffoli gates and the Boolean AND. See Figure 9.0.


If we are given a Boolean formula, then we can implement it as a quantum circuit by storing intermediate computations on additional bits. By representing a classical reversible function directly as a truth table we can instead decompose it in terms of 2-cycles, which correspond to many-controlled Toffoli gates.


We can implement a k-controlled Toffoli gate with O(k) regular Toffoli gates with the help of a single borrowed ancilla.


By introducing, measuring and correcting an ancilla, we can implement a Toffoli using 4 instead of 7 T gates. We can even implement a compute-uncompute pair of a Toffoli using a single ancilla and just 4 T gates.


Putting these tricks together allows us to create an n-qubit adder circuit that uses just n Toffoli gates, or 4n T gates.

9.7 Advanced Material*

9.7.1 From truth tables to Toffolis*

Instead of being given a concrete specification of a classical function as a collection of simple operations performed in sequence, we can also consider it as just a truth table that tells us where every bit string is mapped to. In this section we will see how we can decompose such functions into cycles and how each cycle can be implemented using Toffoli gates. In this way we will also be able to prove that certain functions, like a generalised Toffoli with n 1 controls, requires at least one additional ancilla to be constructed using gates acting on fewer qubits. So let us suppose we are given a reversible function f : 𝔽2n 𝔽2n. As f is a bijection, we can see this as a permutation on the set of bit strings {0,1}n. The set of n-bit reversible functions hence forms the permutation group on 2n elements. Now, if you know a little bit of group theory, then you will know that a permutation group is generated by cycles, or more specifically, 2-cycles.

Definition 9.7.1. Let G be a permutation group on some set S (like the set length-n bit strings). A k-cycle σ G is a permutation where there are k distinct elements x1,,xk S such that

We say two cycles are disjoint when they don’t have any elements they act non-trivially on in common (for σ and σ that are not equal, this is equivalent to them commuting). We denote a k-cycle on x1,,xk by (x1 x2  xk).

So a k-cycle is a permutation that cycles the value of x1 to x2 to x3, and so on, to xk and then back to x1. It acts as the identity on all the other elements. A standard result from group theory is that any permutation can be written as a composition of disjoint cycles.

Exercise 9.16. Let G be a permutation group on some set S and let σ G be any permutation. Then σ = σ1σl for some disjoint cycles σj.

Lemma 9.7.2. Let G be a permutation group on some set S. Then G is generated by 2-cycles.

Proof. Exercise 9.16 shows that G is generated by cycles, so it suffices to show that each cycle can be built out of 2-cycles. This is easily done: (x1  xk) = (x1 x2) (x2 x3) (xk1 xk). For each xi with i < k we can easily check that only exactly one of these 2-cycles does something non-trivial to it, and maps it to xi+1. For xk, instead all the 2-cycles apply, mapping it first to xk1, then to xk2, and so on, until it is finally mapped to x1. □

Okay, so any permutation can be built out of 2-cycles. So if we want to know how we can construct an arbitrary reversible function, it suffices to show how we can construct an arbitrary 2-cycle on bit strings. That is, we need to construct for any choice of bit strings x and y, the function Px,y that maps x to y and vice versa, and acts as the identity on all other bit strings. So let’s suppose x and y given. We will first simplify our lives somewhat by taking x to be equal to the all 1 bit string. We can do this by using the following identity for permutation groups (convince yourself that this works):

σ (x y) σ1 = (σ(x) σ(y))

In this case we will take σ to be the bit string function

z(z1 x1 1,,zn xn 1),

which indeed maps x to 1. Note that this function is implemented by applying a NOT gate on the indices i where xi = 0. Hence, Px,y is equivalent to P1,y up to some NOT gates. Note that because we started with xy, that we now have y1. Furthermore, by rearranging bits (for instance by applying some swap gates before and after the desired operations), we may assume that y = 1100. That is, y is a series of 1’s followed by a series of 0’s So let’s suppose that y consists of k 0’s and n k 1’s. Note that k > 0 as otherwise y = 1. We can now easily write down the required circuit:


We can check that is correct by verifying the three possibilities for the input: 1, y, or some other bit string. First, the case where all the inputs are 1:

This output indeed matches y = 1100. Let’s check what happens when we input y instead:

We also get the correct output of 1! We just need to check that this circuit does not do anything when we input any other state.

Exercise 9.17. Prove, by doing smart case distinctions, that the circuit of Eq. (9.86) acts as the identity when the input bit string is not 1 or y = 1100. Hint: if the input is such that the Toffoli does not fire, then the CNOT and NOT gates cancel each other out. In which situations can the Toffoli gate fire?

We hence have the following.

Proposition 9.7.3. We can implement any 2-cycle on n bits using a single (n 1)-controlled Toffoli and O(n) CNOT and NOT gates.

Theorem 9.7.4. Any n-bit reversible function can be implemented using O(n2n) (n 1)-controlled Toffoli, CNOT, and NOT gates.

Proof. A reversible function can be decomposed into 2n disjoint 2-cycles, and each 2-cycle can be implemented using O(n) gates, requiring a total of O(n2n) gates. □

Now, it might seem like this procedure is very inefficient. After all, we first decompose the permutation down into 2-cycles, and then painstakingly construct each of these 2-cycles. Surely there must be a more efficient way, using k-cycles or some other trick, in order to use less than O(n2n) gates. While yes, there are clever ways to reduce the constants and to do better, on an asymptotic level, this construction is already close to optimal: we could only improve it up to a logarithmic factor.

Proposition 9.7.5. There exist reversible functions on n 2 bits that require at least cn2nlogn Toffoli, CNOT and NOT gates for c = 1 6 (assuming that log = log2).

Proof. Counting the placement of gates on different bits as distinct, there are n different Toffoli gates with n 1 controls, n different NOT gates, and n(n 1) different CNOTs. Hence, n(n 1) + n + n = n2 + n different 1 gate circuits. Using N gates we can hence construct at most (n2 + n)N different maps. There are (2n)! different reversible functions on n bits (where k! represents the factorial function k! = k(k 1)2 1). In order to write down all reversible functions we hence need a number of gates N such that (n2 + n)N (2n)!. Stirling’s formula for the factorial gives us log(k!) 1 2klogk. So by taking logarithms on both sides we get the inequality Nlog(n2 + n) 1 22n log2n = 1 2n2n log2. Assuming n 2 and using n3 n2 + n we get 3Nlogn log 2 2 n2n and hence N cn2nlogn for c = log 2 6 = 1 6 (using log2 = log22 = 1). □

At this point you might wonder if we really need a Toffoli gate with this many controls. Couldn’t we make do with just a regular Toffoli with two control wires? The answer is no. We cannot decompose such a Toffoli into gates acting on fewer bits, at least in the current setting. To understand this limitation, we need to know the concept of the parity of a permutation. We write the parity of a permutation σ as sgn(σ) and we define this inductively by setting the parity of each 2-cycle to be 1: sgn((x y)) = 1, and making it respect composition: sgn(σ1σ2) = sgn(σ1)sgn(σ2). Hence the parity of a permutation captures whether we need an even or odd number of 2-cycles to write it down (it is a bit non-trivial to see that this is actually well-defined). We call a permutation σ even when sgn(σ) = 1 and odd when sgn(σ) = 1. Now comes the catch: from the definition of parity we immediately see that when we compose even permutations, we get another even permutation. It just so happens to be that an (n 1)-controlled Toffoli acting on n bits is an odd permutation, while any gate acting on fewer bits is even. This means there is no way we can combine these gates to construct the (n 1)-controlled Toffoli. To see these gates indeed have these parities, first note that a (n 1)-controlled Toffoli acting on n bits is a 2-cycle that maps the bit string 111 to 110 and vice versa, so that it is indeed an odd permutation. Suppose instead we have a gate that does not act on at least one bit. Denote its corresponding permutation by σ, and let σ denote the permutation where we have chopped of the last bit (the one it doesn’t act on). Let σ = (x1 y1)(xk yk) be a decomposition of σ into 2-cycles. Then in the decomposition of σ, each of these 2-cycles must occur twice, one for each possible value of the last bit. That is, a decomposition of σ is given by σ = (x10 y10)(x11 y11)(xk0 yk0)(xk1 yk1). Since the permutation then consists of an even number of 2-cycles, it is an even permutation. There are two ways around this issue: use non-classical, i.e. quantum, gates, or use additional bits as ‘scratch space’.

9.7.2 2-level operators*

Let U be a single-qubit unitary. If we consider an n-qubit circuit containing just a (n 1)-controlled U gate, its matrix has a very particular shape:


Here all the empty spots in the matrix are zeroes. This shape comes from the fact that this gate only does something non-trivial on the basis states |110 and |111, since the first n 1 wires have to be in the |1 state for it to fire. This unitary is a special case of a 2-level operator, a unitary that acts non-trivially on just 2 basis states. To make this more clear, instead of labelling all our basis states as bit strings, we will label them as numbers 1,2,3,,2n. Denoting i = 2n 1 and j = 2n, we will call the above controlled gate U[ij], and it acts as follows:

U[ij] ( ψ0 ψ 2n ) = ( ψ0 ψ2n ) where  ( ψi ψj ) = U ( ψi ψj )  and for ki,j : ψk = ψ k.

A general 2-level operator is defined the same, but then i and j are allowed to be arbitrary values (as long as ij of course). We have in fact already seen other examples of 2-level operators: the 2-cycles that swap just two basis states and leave every other one invariant. A 2-cycle that swaps the basis states |k and |l is just the 2-level X[kl] gate. Because we know how to construct these 2-cycles and the (n 1)-controlled U, we have in fact all we need to construct arbitrary 2-level operators. This is because we have the relation X[kj]U[ij]X[kj] = U[ik] as long as ki,j: The first X[kj] moves |k to |j, so that the U[ij] can apply to it, and then we move it back to the |k spot by another application of X[kj]. So with 2-cycle gates we can move the places where a 2-level operator acts non-trivially. A 2-level operator acts non-trivially on two different basis states, but we also have 1-level operators that act just on a single basis state. An example of this is the (n 1)-controlled Z(α) gate. The Z(α) gate only fires when all the controls are in the |1 state, but additionally the Z(α) only does something non-trivial when its target is also in the |1 state; the |0 state is left alone. We could hence call this gate Z(α)[j] where j = 2n. By conjugating by X[kj] we can change this gate to Z(α)[k], which acts as Z(α)[k]|j = eδjk|j, where δjk is the Kronecker delta. There is a little bit of a subtlety around constructing these 1-level and 2-level operators: we saw in the previous section that in general we need to have a zeroed ancilla in order to construct unitaries with many controls. We hence can’t easily make (n 1)-controlled single-qubit unitaries on a n-qubit circuit, since we need to have the additional space for an ancilla available to us. But then the gate is no longer controlled on all the values, and it stops being a 2-level operator (it will instead be a 4-level operator, since it acts non-trivially on its states regardless of the state of the ancilla). This will usually not be a problem however if we are assuming that the ancilla is zeroed, since it ends up back in the zeroed state. Since the |1 state of the ancilla doesn’t come into play, the unitary will ‘effectively’ be a 2-level operator. We will need these 2-level and 1-level operators when we talk about which unitaries we can exactly write down using Clifford+T gates in Chapter 10, specifically in Section*10.7.1.

9.7.3 More rules for the H-box*

In Section 9.2.2 we covered the rules involving H-boxes that come up the most often, which are summarised in Figure 9.0. But there is another set of rewrite rules that deal specifically with H-boxes that are not labelled by 1, but instead can be labelled by arbitrary complex numbers. Whereas those rules of Figure 9.0 give us completeness of the phase-free fragment of H-boxes when combined with the phase-free ZX rules of Figure 4.0, adding the rules we will see in these sections give us completeness for the universal fragment where we can represent arbitrary linear maps over the complex numbers. The first two of the new rules allow us to perform arithmetic with H-boxes:


We call these the multiply rule and the average rule. When a and b are complex phases, the multiply rule is just an instance of the adding of phases when spiders fuse, cf. (9.21) and (3.35). The average rule has no counterpart in the standard ZX-calculus. The multiply rule can be generalised to H-boxes of arbitrary arity:


I.e. when two H-boxes are connected to exactly the same set of Z-spiders, then we can fuse the H-boxes together. With the rules we have seen before, the proof of this generalisation is straightforward:


Using this rule we can prove that two controlled-phase gates combine together:

This should all look quite familiar: Eq. (9.90) is like the phase gadget fusion rule of Section 7.1.2. While a phase gadget adds a phase depending on the XOR of the inputs, a controlled-phase gate build using an H-box adds a phase based on the AND of the inputs. Then there is only one more rule we will need, the introduction rule:


We call it the introduction rule, because it allows us to introduce additional edges to an H-box (at the cost of copying the H-box). As do many of the previously introduced rules, it has a generalisation to H-boxes of arbitrary arity:


Exercise 9.18. Prove Eq. (9.93), using Eq. (9.92) and the previously introduced H-box and ZX rules.

Most of the use-cases of this rule are when it is applied from right-to-left. Indeed, it is a close cousin of the multiply rule (9.90). Both rules target pairs of H-boxes connected to the same set of Z-spiders, although in the case of the introduction rule, they must also differ by a NOT gate on one of the connections, and have the same label. As an example, we can use the introduction rule to prove that if we apply both a controlled-phase gate, and a NOT-conjugated controlled-phase gate that this reduces to just a simple phase gate:


As noted above, the ‘AND inspired’ rules together with the ZX-calculus rules are complete for diagrams generated by Toffoli and Hadamard gates. When we add these three additional rules, multiply, average and introduction, we get a rule set that is complete for all diagrams. Hence, we can, in principle, replace all reasoning about qubit linear maps with diagrammatic reasoning. Whether it is beneficial to do so of course depends on the situation. Note that in Section 10.5.3 we will see a different way in which we can extend the fragment of phase-free H-boxes to larger fragments while retaining completeness.

Exercise* 9.19. We allowed H-boxes to be labelled by an arbitrary complex number, but it turns out that we can represent all of these using just H-boxes which are labelled by a complex phase. You may ignore scalar factors in this exercise.


Show that diagram of Hbox-zero-is-X . Hint: Use the average rule with a = 1, b = 1.


Show that for any 0 r 1 we can find an α such that we can represent the r-labelled H-box using an e-labelled H-box and an e-labelled H-box.


Show that diagram of Hbox-inverses-with-X . Hint: use the multiply rule and the ‘zero wire version‘ of Eq. (9.93).


Show that we can represent (up to non-zero scalar) an arbitrary a-labelled H-box using spiders and complex-phase labelled H-boxes. Hint: first write a in the polar decomposition a = rei𝜃 for some r 0 and 𝜃 . Then make a case distinction based on whether r > 1 or not.

9.7.4 W-spiders*

In this chapter we introduced the H-box to help us reason about Toffoli-like gates. The H-box is nice to work with, because it acts like a spider (Eq. (9.25)), and it interacts via a bialgebra rule with the Z-spider, as we saw in (9.29):


This works because an H-box followed by a Hadamard is equal to the classical AND operation acting on computational basis states. In the same way, the X-spider has a bialgebra rule with the Z-spider, because the X-spider is equal to the classical XOR. It turns out that up to some trivial modifications, there is exactly one other spider-like map that interacts with the Z-spider via a bialgebra rule, and that is the partial map Add:

Add|x,y = { |x + yif x y1 0 otherwise

That is: it adds together the value of the two basis states, as long as their sum is not greater than 1. If both x and y are 1, then their sum should be 2, but this doesn’t ‘fit’ into a single qubit, and so it is sent to the scalar zero. It is hence quite similar to the XOR, except that the |11 input is sent to zero. As matrices:

XOR = ( 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 )Add = ( 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 )

We saw in Section 9.2.1 that the reason we work with H-boxes instead of AND gates directly, is because H-boxes have flexsymmetry, meaning we can treat inputs and outputs on the same footing and bend wires as we wish. To make the AND flexsymmetric, we had to compose it with a Hadamard. In an analogous way, the Add map, and its n-qubit input generalisation, is not flexsymmetric, but we can make it flexsymmetric by composing it with a NOT. We can easily see this when we write Add in terms of kets and bras:

Add = |000| + |101| + |110|NOT Add = |100| + |001| + |010|

This ‘flexsymmetrised’ Add consists of all ket-bra pairs that have exactly one |1, with the same role being played by inputs and outputs. Hence, when we bend the wires so that it is a state, we get the following:


where |x| is the Hamming weight of the bitstring x, i.e. the number of 1s that appear in x. This state is known as the W-state. The W-state is important in entanglement theory as it is a nice representative of a certain type of genuine three-party entanglement, where one party can do a measurement, and the other two parties are still left with a maximally entangled state (compare this to the GHZ state |000 + |111 where when someone does a measurement, the state completely disconnects). But for us that is all not important, except that it motivates the name for the W-spider:


The 0-input 3-output W-spider is the W-state, while with a single input and output we get the NOT gate:


The W-spider (9.97) has all the same symmetries that Z- and X-spiders have: we can permute inputs and outputs freely, and we can interchange inputs with outputs using cups and caps. However, just as with H-boxes, it has a modified spider-fusion rule, which requires a 2-ary spider to be in the middle (cf. (9.25)):


For the H-box we needed something in the middle, as the H-box followed by a Hadamard was the AND map, which could fuse together due to its associativity. We have the same situation with the W-spider, but now using the associativity of Add:


As promised, this relation to Add means that the W-spider interacts with the Z-spider via a bialgebra rule:


There are a number of other rules governing the interaction between the Z- and W-spider:


In fact, we could build a whole calculus to rival the ZX-calculus using just the Z- and W-spider, which is called the ZW-calculus. We didn’t really give it a name before, but just thinking about Z-spiders and H-boxes, and viewing the X-spiders as derived from their interactions, we can call this the ZH-calculus. Note however that these calculi—ZX, ZW, ZH—can represent the same linear maps, and hence have the same expressive power. However, certain constructions will look more natural using one type of generator versus another. Using Z- and X-spiders we can easily reason about Cliffords and phase gates, with XOR-like phases captured with phase gadgets. Instead using Z-spider and H-boxes we can easily represent controlled gates and multiplicative phases. Using W-spiders we can easily represent additive structure, which is not very prominent in quantum circuits, but is useful when thinking about more general linear maps, and for proving completeness. For instance, we can use a W-spider to represent the ‘addition’ of two H-boxes:


Note that a 3-ary W-spider can be decomposed into the ZH-calculus quite easily:


This works because the W-spider is almost the Add, which is just the XOR with the |11 output projected away. That projection is done by the H-box gadget in front of the X-spider:


We won’t be using the W-spider in this book, but it would be remiss of us to not mention it in a book that is all about graphical reasoning. The W-spider and the ZW-calculus has played a crucial role in the history of the ZX-calculus and its completeness. See the References for more pointers on this.

9.8 References and further reading

Reversible circuit synthesis The relation between Boolean functions and DAGs was taken from [176]. They also introduce a ‘pebbling’ strategy that we alluded to, where values are uncomputed and recomputed in order to stay under a circuit budget of additional memory bits. They do this by encoding the synthesis as a SAT instance and then SAT solving it, increasing the number of allowed gates and memory bits until they find a satisfying solution. The trick to reduce the number of bits needed by always computing and uncomputing XORs was taken from [175]. See also [177]. Both these papers also use a pebbling strategy, but one that takes into account the fact that XORs are cheap.

H-boxes The H-box was introduced by [21], which proved completeness of the calculus in the universal fragment. This was followed up by [22] which proved that the phase-free fragment could also be made complete. The Fourier decomposition of an H-box is from [159]. The term ‘flexsymmetry’ was coined in [48].

Decomposing Toffoli gates Section 9.4 on how to decompose many-controlled Toffoli’s into smaller Toffoli’s was heavily inspired by a blogpost by Craig Gidney [102], from which we have also taken the term ‘borrowed bit’. That at least 7 T gates are necessary to implement a Toffoli or CCZ when restricting to unitary circuits was shown in [1085]. That a Toffoli gate combined with a CS gate is cheaper was first realised by Selinger [206]. Jones came up with the trick to use an ancilla to reduce the cost [137] to four T gates. The ‘compute-uncompute’ construction that reduces the cost of a pair of Toffoli gates to just four T gates was found by Gidney [103]. This paper also gives the description of the adder circuit we use in Section 9.5. The graphical approach to deriving these identities was developed in [159]. The 6 T construction of the CCCZ in Exercise 9.13 is from [106]. A structured approach to finding these types of decompositions is given in [17].

W-spiders The W-spider was introduced in [61]. This was extended to a complete ZW-calculus by [122]. It was this ZW-calculus that formed the basis for the first completeness results of a universal fragment of the ZX-calculus [123136]. That ZX, ZW, and ZH are essentially the only three possible graphical calculi for qubits was shown in [50]. Using W-spiders to represent arithmetic was first done in [54], and then developed much further in [232], where they show how to represent the sum of two diagrams as a single diagram. This was done independently in [135], although there the W-spiders are a bit more hidden by the use of the ‘triangle generator’. For more details on how these different generators of H-boxes, W-spiders and triangles relate to each other, we refer the reader to [222, Section 9].